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IPTC 2015

IPTC 2015
Dates : December 07th- 09th 2015
Lieu : Doha
Pays : Qatar
Secteur : Energie
Organisateur : Qatar Petroleum
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

 The International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) is an international oil & gas conference and exhibition, rotating between Asia Pacific and the Middle East. The scope of the conference programme and associated industry activities address technology and relevant industry issues that challenge industry professionals and management around the world.

Regional oil ministers, industry leaders and governmental representatives will have an opportunity to discuss and share their views on timely industry topics and trends, exchange expertise and experience, present state-of-the-art technology and innovation, and to stimulate further research of technical and business activities. In addition, awards and recognition will be given for organisations’ efforts in technical and business contributions to the industry. There will also be a range of integrated social activities to encourage networking and off-line discussion.