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Your international project

businessplatform can guide you through each step of your international development and will assist you with the following services: 

  • Finance: Identifying all financial assistance and subsidies available, help collect necessary documents, and consolidate your financial development. 
  • Export:  Pinpointing your target market and help select the most suitable circuits to sell your products. 
  • Sourcing: Identify suitable partners and secure your product supply. 
  • Recruitment: Assist you in recruiting your internal or external staff.
  • Anticipate: Become familiar with your competitors and analyze their strategy, and become aware the problems surrounding product imitation. 
  • Consolidate: We will assist you from A to Z in the creation or acquisition of your structure abroad.
A network of professionals at your service:
The services offered by businessplatform will support your business given your unique service/product, market, and activity sector.   
Competitive Prices: 
The benefits from our support systems are designed to address the market of your choice and meet your specific needs. No steps will go overlooked in this process, and you will benefit from the expertise of our dedicated team of professionals located within each office of businessplatform.  
Upon reviewing your offer and signing the contract, your company will then be directed to the member of our team that can best assist you.