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Dates : Du 20 au 22 Mars 2012
Lieu : Moscou Russie
Pays : Russie
Secteur : Energie
Organisateur : Terrapinn Pte Ltd.
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

Terrapinn’s inaugural “Smart Electricity World Russia & CIS 2012” is designed to offer advice and guidance to transmission, distribution and retail companies in Russia and the CIS region on exactly how to develop and implement these smart solutions. It will bring together the leading companies, government agencies and regulators in the region, along with key global technology providers, to discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing the electricity sector. 
During the conference, leading distribution and retail companies in Russia and other CIS markets will share their experiences in smart grid induced energy efficiency, smart grid project management, the implementation of intelligent networks, and improved customer service. Furthermore, key government agencies and regulators in the region will present their initiatives to support smart grid business development and accelerated deployment of smart grid technology.

The Smart Electricity World Russia & CIS covers topics such as:

  • Smart transmission
  • Distributed generation
  • Demand management
  • Large scale storage
  • Regulation and incentives
  • Customer engagement
  • Innovation and technology
  • Standards and interoperability
  • Project and risk management