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Dates : Du 15 au 18 Septembre 2015
Lieu : Mikhailovsky Manege (Winter Stadium) Exhibition Company Saint-Pétersbourg
Pays : Russia
Secteur : Pétrole et Gaz
Organisateur : Restec Exhibition Company
Nombre d'exposants : 600
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

RAO/CIS Offshore 2013 exhibition presents new oil and gas resources in Russian Arctic and the CIS Shelf, including innovative techniques and technologies with in oil and gas exploration, facilities for industrial machinery, and environmental safety.

Reasons to exhibit:

  • Launch new products and service
  • Find new business contacts
  • Foster relationship with existing partners
  • Your brand supporting
  • Get ahead of your competitors
  • Generate sales leads
  • Meet decision makers face-to-face
  • Enjoy premier networking opportunities
  • Expansion into new geographic markets

Exhibition topics : geology, shipbuilding and marine constructions, technique and technologies of oil and gas resources development in arctic conditions and on continental shelf, subsea equipment and pipelines, industrial and environmental safety, environmental protection; safety equipment and training, information technologies