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Dates : Du 01 au 30 oct. 2014
Lieu : Ukraine, Kiev, ul. Gospitalna, 12
Pays : Ukraine
Secteur : Environnement
Organisateur : ACCO International et Naftogaz de l'Ukraine
Nombre d'exposants : 161
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :


Conference goals:

·         Solution to urgent problems and determination of priorities of the Ukrainian oil-and-gas complex development;

·         Consolidation of international cooperation in the field of oil and gas extraction, supply and processing;

·         Discussion of state energy security problems;

·         Safeguarding of reliability and security of oil and gas transportation to Europe;

·         Adoption of innovative technologies in geological prospecting of oil and gas;

·         Guarantee of environmental safety of the Ukrainian oil-and-gas complex.



·         Representatives of Administration of the President of Ukraine;

·         Representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

·         Heads of Ministries and Authorities of Ukraine;

·         Deputies of Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine;

·         Heads of Diplomatic representations and missions in Ukraine;


·         Representatives of international financial organizations;

·         Heads of international oil-and-gas companies;

·         Representatives of branch research organizations;

·         Leading specialists and experts of the branch;

·         Accredited members of mass-media and information agencies.