Français Anglais Espagnol Allemagne Pologne Brésil Russie Chine


Dates : Du 15 au 17 Avril 2015
Lieu : Munich
Pays : Germany
Secteur : Métallurgie
Organisateur : GHM
Nombre d'exposants : 295, 28 of which are international
Nombre de visiteurs : 20.678, 1.654 of which are international
Informations :

Metal Munchen is user-oriented trade fair in the metal working industry and is held every two years at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre. This event offers the perfect balance between products and investment opportunities, and has impressed the metal sector since 2007 as a link between industry, supplier and trade. The heart of metal working traditionally beats in southern Germany, and is economically strong in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The neighbouring countries of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and the Czech Republic are also attractive markets and enrich this exposition.