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Dates : du 21 au 23 août 2016
Lieu : Centro de Convenciones Jockey Plaza Av. J.prado Este Nro. 4200 Santiago de Surco Lima Peru
Pays : Peru
Secteur : Pétrole et Gaz
Organisateur : Thais Corporation S.A.C.
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs : 8.000
Informations :

"FIGAS & VEHIGAS" is a unique International Fair in Peru specialized in Natural Gas (NG), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) that has been organized every two years since 2004. This event is authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Tourism (MINCETUR), Co-Organized by the Ministry for Energy and Mines, and supported by the Peruvian Fair Association (AFEP). Exhibitors are mainly Suppliers of equipment, supplies, and Vehicles for the Gas Industry. The Peruvian Market is very large and competitive with many brands of foreign and local suppliers. Peru has an open market and there are no trade barriers or limitations on imports and the foreign exchange is free although imports are subject to 12% of Import Duty on the CIF value (Cost, Insurance, etc).